AWT - Breathing
Innovative Technology

Our Services can help you maintain and improve IAQ in your facilities which can have a great positive impact on your environment and the wellbeing of occupants.

What Can Better IAQ Do For You?

Prevent Infection

Whether in common spaces or in patients rooms, by managing IAQ, you reduce the risk of patients and staff acquiring a hospital air-transmitted infection.

Reduce Biohazard Transmission

A hospital laboratory is often contaminated with a variety of biohazards that can be transmitted through air. Therefore, IAQ management can help safety maintenance in these labs and prevent spread of contaminations.

Safer Newborn Nurseries

IAQ monitoring is important in neonatal intensive care units for ensuring incubators are within safe ranges of VOCs and PM.

IVF labs

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) labs need to have pristine air to reduce variables, maintain control factors and improve IVF outcomes.