AWT - Breathing
Innovative Technology

Aeroseal Duct Sealing

In a recent survey, over 74% of commissioning professionals agreed that buildings have significant duct leakage. The building commissioning association has quantified duct leakage as a $2.9B problem. Aeroseal is the technology that can help you solve that problem through aerosolized sealant and a computerized process.

Aeroseal is a technology developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with funding from US Department of Energy specifically to seal air leakage in ductwork and improve energy effiecncy in buildings. It has been used for more than 20 years to seal ducts from the inside.

Aeroseal Formula Facts

Aeroseal Helps You Conquer The Following

High Energy Consumption

Poor Exhaust

Increased Cooling or Heating Capacity Needs

Problems Identified During Building Commissioning or Test and Balance Report

Use Aeroseal to Achieve These Goals

Award winning technology

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